Offline Donation
To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:
- Write a check payable to “BHM Regional Library Inc.”
- On the memo line of the check, indicate that the donation is for “BHM Regional Library”
- Mail your check to:
Finance Officer
158 N Market St
Washingon, NC 27889
Your tax-deductible donation is greatly appreciated!
Book & Material Donations
Supporting BHM Regional Library Through Gifts & Memorials
We’re thrilled to accept your generous donations, whether it’s monetary support, books, or volunteer hours. Just ensure your contributions align with the library’s mission and goals. Once received, all gifts become part of our collection, and we’ll use them in the way that benefits our patrons the most.
A few things to keep in mind:
- Donated materials should be in good condition and current.
- We can’t accept items with specific conditions or restrictions.
- Memorial gifts hold a special place in our library. We will acknowledge both the donor and the family or designated contacts.
- While we’re happy to list items you’ve donated, we can’t assess their value for tax purposes. That’s something you’ll need to do beforehand.
Your support is instrumental in enhancing our library services. Thank you for considering a gift to BHM Regional Library